Saturday 14 July 2012

Sunshine and Happy Days!

Well, the parents are leaving tomorrow for a weeks holiday in the caravan and we don't have to look after the dogs, as they are going with them too. Happy days, that leaves Paul and I free to carry on cutting away the dead tree and bushes in the back garden. Finally got a good dry day to carry on with the gardening. It's been weeks of depressing rain and been cooped up inside going slowly nuts.

After been awake for over 24 hours (bloody insomnia) I finally managed to get 3 hours sleep next to my lovely fiancé and Dhileas at our feet. Feel a bit better after the sleep, just need to find something to eat. Paul's game (Batman: Arkham Asylum -game of the year edition for xbox 360) arrived today, he's really happy with it and I'm happy cause he's so happy. 

He's playing it now, as I type this blog. Gonna need to pull my shoes on again soon and take Dhileas out for another pee. She's sound asleep on the couch right now, but she'll be on her feet the second I put my shoes on. She's got ears like a bat, not in size but, in sensitivity to sound. Seriously, the sound of her own farts wakes her up. Lol. She is so cute. I'll need to start thinking about dinner soon, not sure what we'll have, maybe chicken? :-)

I'll be back later.

Friday 13 July 2012

Happy Days! (Tainted with a bit of Family Stress)

If you could see me right now, you'd see this huge smile taking up half my pretty face. I'm happy you see. Got my washing machine finally hooked up and did my 1st load of washing in the new machine. Yay!!! It rained today but, I didn't care, my washing machine was working and all was good in my little world. It's strange how the simplest things in life, can make you so happy. Does anyone else find this ringing true for them as well?

Lets see, what else happened today. . . Parents called and asked us once again to look after their dogs, while they go away for a week or two, who knows how long this time. Now, normally I wouldn't mind and we've done it EVERY other time when they go away. But I had a bit of a fight (understatement of the year there more like world war 3) with my Mum over something non of you need to know about, but put it this way. I wanted to walk out after the fight and catch a train home and just leave poor Paul, our dog Dhileas and all our washing we took over there and just go home. 

Normally it takes a lot to piss me off and usually I can take whatever anyone choices to throw at me but, somehow family know just what buttons to push to push me over the edge - especially Mums. She just doesn't like the fact that, she can't make my decisions for me anymore. She's used to been in control of my life but, since I moved out to be with Paul 5 years ago, she's not liked giving up the control she had over me and we get in a few fights about my life and the choices I make for myself.

Don't get me wrong, I don't make bad decisions, they're just not the ones my Mother would like me to make is all. Again, don't get me wrong, my Mum is a wonderful Mum, she just likes to be in control at times (all the time, in my case lol). She always tells me how kind I am, how kind and considerate I am and how I'm the most selfless person she's ever known, because I always put others and their needs/feeling before myself and my own. However, when ever we get in a fight she always calls me selfish. This is very confusing as you can imagine. 

Another thing that bugs me is how an hour after fighting, she's back to saying how kind I am and acting like nothings happened! It's like she's forgotten but, I know she's hasn't because as sure as the sun will rise and fall each day, I know my Mother will tackle me again about what we fight about, only hours ago, before I go home! Why? God only knows! Mothers . . . we can't live with them, we  can kill 'em! and we can't live without them either . .  so we're stuck in limbo.

Anyway, to cut a long story short (to late, I hear you cry lol) we're going to look after the dogs, like always, because I don't wanna upset my Mother and Step-Father. The silly thing is, my brother and his girlfriend live only 20 minutes from our parents and it takes us well over an hour to get to the parents house. My brother lives closer yet, we're the ones always going to stay with the dogs. Weird, right?

Ugh, enough moaning. I'm gonna persuade Paul to let me shoot his mate Garry for a while and before you call the police on me, they are playing an Xbox 360 game called Battlefield. I'm not shooting anyone in real life, just virtual reality gaming.

I hope you have a nice night guys xoxo

Thursday 12 July 2012

What a Wasted Day, AGAIN!

Well, the saga of our new washing machine continues on for yet another day. -sighs- After waiting for nearly 3 weeks for the letting agents to get a hold off our landlord and get us our new washing machine, it finally arrived two days ago. 

However, and this is a kicker, it's STILL not fitted! Fair enough, on Wednesday the plumber guy could not get a hold of us because ALL O2 mobiles were without signals and the landlord did not think to give him out home number (twat). 

We waited in all day again yesterday (Thursday) and he still never showed up and didn't even have the courtesy to call and tell us! So once AGAIN, I never got to go to the shops to buy food (Which we needed badly, just got fish in the house and we both really fancied a korma). Completely pissed off at the whole day been unnecessarily wasted again. 

And to top it all of, my stomach been quite sore today (and probably will be for the next 5 days) and I've found myself snapping at my lovely Paul (Sorry babe, love you xxx). I really dislike days like today. The only good thing about it, was that it was dry for the first time in weeks. Got a few nice pictures of it somewhere on my mobile, I'll load them up late.

Oh god, looking over this post, it seems so bloody moany. (is moany a word? well, it is now!) Haha. Never meant it to read like that but, oh well. I feel a bit better after venting it so, I guess that's good.

Here is the picture I took today of the sunset and clouds - 

Wednesday 11 July 2012

My Blog and Me + Paul Makes Three.

It's kind of funny how my blog come to be. You see, I kept telling my fiancé to start his own blog. So he can share his thoughts, feels and his personal struggles with his IBD with other fellow IBD sufferers and yet here I am, starting a blog instead. Okay so, may be it's not laugh out loud funny but, it's a little ironic don't you think? Anyway, I've strayed from my point so, lets get back to it shall we. . .I hope by doing this he will see how easy it is and it may give him that extra push he needs to start his own blog too.  -fingers crossed-

My first blog is short but, hopefully not to boring, I do ramble on from time to time . . . so I'm told. I think Paul (my fiancé) is used to it now, after all these years. Another thing I should probably mention is, if my grammar is off or my spelling or possible both. It's because I'm dyslexic and not down to laziness, as some people have thought/said over the years. Try and bear with me, as I have been told, I can be quite funny at times. :-)